Wednesday, August 3, 2011

List of Harry Potter Characters "C'

  • Sir Cadogan – Armoured knight occupying a painting in Hogwarts
  • Cadwallader – Hufflepuff Quidditch Chaser during Harry's time at Hogwarts
  • S. Capper – Hogwarts student during Harry's time at school
  • Eddie Carmichael – Ravenclaw student one year above Harry Potter
  • Alecto Carrow – Sister of Amycus Carrow, Death Eater and professor of Muggle Studies for one year
  • Amycus Carrow – Brother of Alecto Carrow, Death Eater and professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts for one year
  • Greta Catchlove – Author of Charm Your Own Cheese
  • Mary Cattermole – Wife of Reginald Cattermole, Muggle-born that Harry saves
  • Ellie Cattermole – Daughter of Reg and Mary Cattermole
  • Maisie Cattermole – Daughter of Reg and Mary Cattermole
  • Alfred Cattermole – Son of Reg and Mary Cattermole
  • Reginald Cattermole – Employee of the Magical Maintenance Department for the Ministry of Magic
  • Owen Cauldwell – Hufflepuff student who entered Hogwarts during Harry's fourth year
  • Chambers – Ravenclaw Quidditch Chaser during Harry's time at Hogwarts
  • Cho Chang – Ravenclaw student one year above Harry, Quidditch Seeker, member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Glenda Chittock – Presenter of Witching Hour on the Wizarding Wireless Network, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for October 2004
  • Herbert Chorley – Muggle Junior Minister who received a botched Imperius Curse that left him impersonating a duck and attacking innocent civilians 

  • Agatha Chubb – Wizarding archaeologist who found twelve lead Bludgers from the sixteenth century
  • Elfrida Clagg – Chieftainess of the Warlock's Council, made the Golden Snidget a protected species, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for June 2005
  • Penelope Clearwater – Ravenclaw prefect four years above Harry, girlfriend of Percy Weasley
  • Edgar Clogg – Ghost who hangs around the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch
  • Mrs Cole – Matron of Tom Riddle's orphanage
  • Magenta Comstock – Experimental artist, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for April 2007
  • Connolly – Beater for the Irish national Quidditch team
  • Buckley Cooper – Daily Prophet reader
  • Howland Coopey – Daily Prophet reader with Dragon Pox
  • Ritchie Coote – Beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch team during Harry's sixth year
  • Michael Corner – Ravenclaw student in Harry's year, member of Dumbledore's Army, dates Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang
  • Irma Crabbe – See Irma Black
  • Crabbe Sr – Death Eater, father of Vincent Crabbe
  • Vincent Crabbe – Slytherin student in Harry's year, son of Death Eater, Slytherin Quidditch team Beater, member of the Inquisitorial Squad
  • Mr Creevey – Muggle milkman, father of Colin and Dennis Creevey
  • Colin Creevey – Muggle-born Gryffindor student one year below Harry, brother of Dennis Creevey, member of Dumbledore's Army, killed in seventh book
  • Dennis Creevey – Muggle-born Gryffindor student three years below Harry, brother of Colin Creevey, member of Dumbledore's Army
  • Dirk Cresswell – Muggle-born Head of the Goblin Liaison Office
  • Croaker – Ministry of Magic employee in the Department of Mysteries
  • Doris Crockford – Meets Harry Potter in the Leaky Cauldron on the day Harry returns to the Wizarding world
  • Crispin Cronk – Sent to Azkaban for keeping sphinxes in his backyard
  • Glenda Crook – Works for the Campaign for Greater Freedom for Wizards
  • Crookshanks - Hermione Granger's cat
  • Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Sr – Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, father of Barty Crouch Jr, killed by Barty Crouch Jr
  • Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Jr – Death Eater, son of Barty Crouch Sr, credited for facilitating the return of Lord Voldemort
  • Caspar Crouch – Husband of Charis Black, father of one son and two daughters
  • Charis Crouch (née Black) – Daughter of Arcturus Black and Lysandra Yaxley, wife of Caspar Crouch, mother of one son and two daughters
  • Gideon Crumb – Plays bagpipes for the Weird Sisters
  • Barnabas Cuffe – Editor of the Daily Prophet


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