Wednesday, August 3, 2011

List of Harry Potter Characters "D"

  • Hector Dagworth-Granger – Founder of the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers
  • Roger Davies – Ravenclaw student two years above Harry, Quidditch Chaser and Captain, attended the Yule Ball with Fleur Delacour
  • John Dawlish – Auror
  • Caradoc Dearborn – Member of the original Order of the Phoenix
  • Apolline Delacour – Wife of M Delacour (first name unknown), mother of Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour
  • Fleur Delacour – Daughter of Apolline and M. Delacour (first name unknown), sister of Gabrielle Delacour, wife of Bill Weasley, mother of Victoire, Dominique and Louis Weasley, participated in the Triwizard Tournament representing Beauxbatons
  • Gabrielle Delacour – Daughter of Apolline and M. Delacour (first name unknown), sister of Fleur Delacour
  • Monsieur Delacour (first name unknown) – Husband of Apolline Delacour, father of Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour
  • Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore – Bearded ghost who leads the Headless Hunt
  • Derrick – Beater for the Slytherin Quidditch team, three years above Harry
  • Dilys Derwent – St Mungo's Healer and Headmistress of Hogwarts
  • Barnabas Deverill – One-time owner of the Elder Wand, killed by Loxias
  • Philbert Deverill – Manager of Puddlemere United
  • Dedalus Diggle – Member of the Order of the Phoenix
  • Amos Diggory – Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, father of Cedric Diggory
  • Cedric Diggory – Hufflepuff student two years above Harry, school prefect, Quidditch Seeker and captain, co-winner of the Triwizard Tournament. Killed by Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort's orders. 

List of Harry Potter Characters "C'

  • Sir Cadogan – Armoured knight occupying a painting in Hogwarts
  • Cadwallader – Hufflepuff Quidditch Chaser during Harry's time at Hogwarts
  • S. Capper – Hogwarts student during Harry's time at school
  • Eddie Carmichael – Ravenclaw student one year above Harry Potter
  • Alecto Carrow – Sister of Amycus Carrow, Death Eater and professor of Muggle Studies for one year
  • Amycus Carrow – Brother of Alecto Carrow, Death Eater and professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts for one year
  • Greta Catchlove – Author of Charm Your Own Cheese
  • Mary Cattermole – Wife of Reginald Cattermole, Muggle-born that Harry saves
  • Ellie Cattermole – Daughter of Reg and Mary Cattermole
  • Maisie Cattermole – Daughter of Reg and Mary Cattermole
  • Alfred Cattermole – Son of Reg and Mary Cattermole
  • Reginald Cattermole – Employee of the Magical Maintenance Department for the Ministry of Magic
  • Owen Cauldwell – Hufflepuff student who entered Hogwarts during Harry's fourth year
  • Chambers – Ravenclaw Quidditch Chaser during Harry's time at Hogwarts
  • Cho Chang – Ravenclaw student one year above Harry, Quidditch Seeker, member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Glenda Chittock – Presenter of Witching Hour on the Wizarding Wireless Network, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for October 2004
  • Herbert Chorley – Muggle Junior Minister who received a botched Imperius Curse that left him impersonating a duck and attacking innocent civilians 

List of Harry Potter characters "B"

  • Bathsheda Babbling – Ancient Runes teacher at Hogwarts
  • Malcolm Baddock – Slytherin student who is at Hogwarts during Harry's fourth year
  • Mr Bagman – Father of Ludovic and Otto Bagman, friend of Death Eater Augustus Rookwood
  • Ludovic BagmanQuidditch Beater for the Wimbourne Wasps and Head of the Department of Games and Sports within the Ministry of Magic
  • Otto Bagman – Brother of Ludovic Bagman
  • Millicent Bagnold (Not to be confused with Millicent Bulstrode) – Minister for Magic before Cornelius Fudge
  • Bathilda Bagshot – Author of A History of Magic, great aunt of Gellert Grindelwald. She is portrayed by Hazel Douglas in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1.
  • Heathcote Barbary – Guitarist for the Weird Sisters
  • Musidora Barkwith – Composer noted for her work, Wizarding Suite
  • Baruffio – Namesake of 'Baruffio's Brain Elixir'
  • Ali Bashir – Flying carpet merchant who attempts to establish a flying carpet business in Britain in Goblet of Fire
  • Basil – An employee of the Ministry of Magic who organizes Portkeys for wizards and witches
  • Hetty Bayliss – Muggle who witnesses Arthur Weasley's flying Ford Anglia
  • Oswald Beamish – Goblin rights pioneer
  • Herbert Beery – Past Herbology teacher at Hogwarts who left to teach at the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts
  • Flavius Belby – First wizard to write about the lethifold 

List of Harry Potter characters "A"




Harry has finally come of age, and finally started on his final journey to defeat Voldemort for good. The Dursely’s are forced to go into hiding so that Voldemort’s Death Eaters will not torture them for information, and Harry sets off with Ron and Hermione on a difficult quest to find and destroy the last of Voldemort’s Horcruxes. Only once those have been destroyed, Harry knows, can Voldemort truly be killed.

It’s not easy. Harry is plagued with rumors of Dumbledore’s past, and begins to wonder if the Headmaster he so long revered might have had a much darker past than he ever let on. The three are frequently without food, and with winter coming their journey is no day at the beach. Because of their lack of plan, lack of food, and lack of progress, their spirits are often low, and Ron especially becomes argumentative. One night he and Harry get into an epic fight and Ron leaves to go back home.

Harry and Hermione are devastated that he’d abandoned them. They finally decide to revisit Godric’s Hollow in search of clues, and once again they’re almost caught by Voldemort. Every step they make, it seems, he is there anticipating them. They’ve almost died too many times to count, and their spirits sink even lower when Harry discovers his wand was broken in the battle.

Ron redeems himself a few weeks later by coming back and saving Harry’s life in the nick of time. They manage to destroy another Horcrux with Gryffindor’s sword, and they become excited again as they begin to learn about a mysterious trio of magical objects called the Deathly Hallows. Whomever possesses the three objects will be a master of death, and to Harry, it’s his one chance to beat Voldemort and live to tell the tale.

As his adventures and the danger he’s in increases, Harry begins to truly understand what Dumbledore intended him to do. He realizes, almost at the last minute, that his own life will have to be sacrificed in order for Voldemort to truly be vanquished. Filled with love for his friends, he willingly gives his life so that they may live.

His last act of heroism, however, saves his life. He meets Dumbledore again in death, and Dumbledore answers many of his questions. He is given a choice to stay or to go back, and he chooses to go back and fight.

It’s all over between Harry and Voldemort with just one spell. Harry is left alive, the true master of the Hallows, and Voldemort is killed for good. He now understands more than he ever has about love (which he loves Ginny), and life, and sacrifice, and in spite of the loss of many of his friends during the last battle, is grateful for the second chance he’s been given at life, and love.


Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts opens to find him more mellow and grown up than ever. The death of Sirius Black has left an indelible mark on him, and he's more determined than ever to put an end to Voldemort and his Death Eaters. He's happy to escape the tyranny of the Dursley's early in the summer when Dumbledore picks him up to attend to a mysterious errand, which ends up in Harry's persuading ex-professor, Horace Slughorn, to come out of retirement to teach at Hogwarts again.

When the day finally arrives, Harry is as usual overjoyed to be back at school. He's been made Quidditch Team Captain. However, Harry and his friends are dismayed to find out that Professor Severus Snape has finally achieved his burning desire to become Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Harry is excited to be taking private lessons with Dumbledore this year, who is showing him all about Voldemort's past. Dumbledore hopes that knowing as much as he can about Voldemort will help Harry in his final battle with the Dark Lord.

A mysterious book previously owned by the Half-Blood Prince comes into Harry's hands early on during his Potions class and changes the course of his school year by giving him a reputation for Potions brilliance that baffles everyone. Harry quickly grows to depend on the information he gets from the Half-Blood Prince's book and uses some of his spells outside of class, much to Hermione's displeasure.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It's been another long, hot summer at the Dursleys' for Harry Potter. Having spent most of it in an adolescent "funk" of depression and bitterness over the lack of informative letters from his friends about Voldemort's return, he's suddenly jolted out of his bad mood when two Dementors show up in the town of Little Whinging and attack Harry and his cousin, Dudley. When Harry uses magic to drive them off, however, he quickly receives a succession of owls from the Ministry, requiring him to attend a disciplinary hearing. His heart sinks when he reads that the question of whether to expel him from Hogwarts will be decided at the hearing.

Harry is exonerated at the hearing but when Harry finally manages to make it back to school, he finds things are different than when he left. Hagrid's missing, there are skeletal horses pulling the school carriages that only he can see, and the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is none other than toadlike, repulsive Dolores Umbridge, a Ministry representative whom Harry is all too familiar with.

Even worse is the constant mutterings of the other students. Having spent all summer discrediting both Harry and Dumbledore, the Ministry has succeeded in convincing everyone they're both crazy and that Voldemort's return is nothing but a figment of their imagination.

With only Ron and Hermione standing by his side, Harry is hard-pressed to stay in a good mood and often lashes out at the ones he is closest to. His defiant behavior lands him in detention for weeks at a time with Professor Umbridge, who soon rises to the status of Hogwarts High Inquistor and revels in sacking teachers and keeping the entire school under the control of her stubby, ugly-ringed fingers.


Harry can’t believe it. The Weasley’s have invited him to the Quidditch World Cup, which means he’ll get to leave the Dursley’s house early and go see a game that anyone would kill to see.
The game is intense, but not just because of the stellar players and non-stop action. Voldemort’s servants, the Death Eaters, make an appearance and the wizarding world is shocked when Voldemort’s sign appears in the sky after the game.

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione finally make it back to Hogwarts a few weeks later, they’re shocked to find that the school will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year. It’s a competition between the three wizarding schools of Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. A champion is chosen for each school and competes in very difficult challenges that test their skill and daring.

When the students from the other schools arrive in October, the students begin putting their name in the Goblet of Fire in order to be chosen as their school's champion. Harry is shocked beyond belief when, in spite of his inability to compete because of his age, he’s chosen as the fourth school champion.

What’s even worse is that Ron doesn’t believe that Harry didn’t put his name in the goblet. They get into a huge fight, and Ron stops talking to Harry. The rest of Hogwarts is also incensed that Harry is "looking for more fame", and the only person who stands by Harry’s side is Hermione.


Harry starts off his third year at Hogwarts rather eventfully when he inadvertently blows up his Aunt Marge, goes on the run, and is then personally absolved by the Minister of Magic himself. He then learns that mass murderer, Sirius Black, is intent on killing him, and Mr. Weasley makes him promise a strange thing, that no matter what he hears he won’t go looking for Black. Confused, Harry agrees.

As he heads back to school armed with this knowledge, he learns that dementors, evil, soul-sucking creatures, have been stationed around Hogwarts to protect the students from Black. The dementors affect Harry much more than the other students because of his terrible past, and he quickly resolves to learn to defend himself when he begins collapsing every time they come near. He finds a willing teacher in Professor Lupin, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, who begins teaching Harry the Patronus Charm, which is the only spell that will work against the foul creatures.

As the school year progresses, the third year students are buried under piles of homework. Hermione is already stressed out due to her enormous course load, and none of them can figure out how she’s getting to all her classes. It doesn’t help that Hermione’s cat, Crookshanks, repeatedly tries to eat Ron’s rat, Scabbers, causing the two friends to argue ceaselessly about the animals. They stop speaking entirely when it’s discovered that Crookshanks seems to have eaten Scabbers and Ron is devastated.

Harry has a few close calls with Black when he breaks into the castle, but Black is not apprehended. Things come to a climax as the school year ends when a number of events occur. First, Ron’s rat, Scabbers, turns out to still be alive and is really a wizard in disguise. This wizard, Peter Pettigrew, has chosen to hide himself in this way so that he can spy on Harry and his friends on behalf of Lord Voldemort. Harry learns that it was Peter, and not Sirius Black, that betrayed his parents to Voldemort. Just when Harry is sure Peter is finally going to be punished for his crimes, he escapes into the night.


The Second Book of  Harry Potter

It’s been another long summer at the Dursley’s for Harry Potter. He can’t wait to get back to Hogwarts and is counting down the days until he can return. He’s surprised when, on his birthday, a strange elfish creature named Dobby shows up with dire warnings for Harry: He must not return to Hogwarts!

When Harry refuses to stay home from school, Dobby lands him in heaps of trouble with the Dursley’s, who lock Harry up in his room and refuse to let him out. Before Harry can sink too far into despair, however, Ron Weasley and his two brothers, twins Fred and George, come to his rescue in a flying car and spirit him back to their house, where Harry is thrilled to spend the remainder of the summer.

Thus starts an eventful second year for Harry Potter. Between having to cope with more homework than ever, a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who is vain and convinced Harry is too, and a mysterious voice he keeps hearing in the walls, Harry’s days are nothing if not interesting.

As the school year progresses, however, the mysterious voice Harry keeps hearing is getting more and more menacing, and soon vicious attacks start happening to the students of Hogwarts. When Harry discovers, quite by accident, that he is a Parslemouth and can speak to snakes, he’s quickly singled out as Slytherin’s heir, the person who, according to legend, will open the mysterious “Chamber of Secrets” and release the monster within.

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter is the most miserable, lonely boy you can imagine. He’s shunned by his relatives, the Dursley’s, that have raised him since he was an infant. He’s forced to live in the cupboard under the stairs, forced to wear his cousin Dudley’s hand-me-down clothes, and forced to go to his neighbour’s house when the rest of the family is doing something fun. Yes, he’s just about as miserable as you can get.

Harry’s world gets turned upside down on his 11th birthday, however. A giant, Hagrid, informs Harry that he’s really a wizard, and will soon be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry also learns that, in the wizarding world, he’s a hero. When he was an infant, the evil Lord Voldemort killed his parents and then tried to kill Harry too. What’s so amazing to everyone is that Harry survived, and allegedly destroyed Voldemort in the process.

When Harry hears all this, he doesn’t know what to think. However, everything Hagrid tells him turns out to be true, and with a joyful heart Harry starts wizarding school in September. He quickly becomes best friends with a boy named Ron Weasley, and before they even make it to Christmas, they break tons of school rules when they attack a troll and prevent it from killing fellow student Hermione Granger. After the troll incident, the three become inseparable, and Harry is amazed to have found such great friends. He is constantly busy trying to stay on top of the mounds of homework, as well as participating in weekly Quidditch practices. Quidditch is a popular sport among wizards and Harry is the youngest Quidditch player in over a century. It's also a game Harry loves more than anything else at school.

As the year progresses, the three friends set out to solve the mystery of the gigantic three-headed dog that is guarding something in a deserted corridor in the school. They figure out that a very valuable object, the Sorcerer’s Stone, is being hidden in the school, although they don’t know why. When one of the professors starts acting as if he’s trying to steal it, they quickly take action to circumvent the theft.