Sunday, December 25, 2011

Characters With No Or Snknown Surname


  • Algie – Great uncle of Neville Longbottom, gave Trevor to Neville
  • Alguff the Awful – Foul smelling goblin who attempts to sell vials of his sweat to Dungbomb manufacturers
  • Agnes – Patient in the Janus Thickey Ward of St Mungo's
  • Andros the Invincible – Ancient Greek wizard, alleged to have a Patronus the size of a Giant
  • Aragog – Acromantula belonging to Rubeus Hagrid, lives in the Forbidden Forest, dies in Half-Blood Prince
  • Arcus – Thought to have taken the Elder Wand from Loxias
  • Arnold – Pygmy Puff belonging to Ginny Weasley


  • Bane – Centaur who lives in the Forbidden Forest
  • Barnabas the Barmy – Subject of a tapestry on the seventh floor of Hogwarts, attempted to dance with trolls
  • Basil – Ministry official at the Quidditch World Cup, wears a kilt and poncho in an attempt to replicate Muggle clothing, organizes Portkeys for wizards and witches
  • Beedle the Bard – Author of several Wizarding fairy tales, including The Tale of the Three Brothers
  • Brother Benedict – Muggle monk who had an encounter with a jarvey
  • Bilius – Uncle of the Weasley children, died twenty-four hours after seeing a Grim
  • Binky – Rabbit belonging to Lavender Brown
  • The Bloody Baron – Slytherin House ghost, suitor and killer of Helena Ravenclaw, killed himself in remorse
  • Bogrod – Elderly goblin who works at Gringotts
  • Brother Boniface – Muggle monk, maker of turnip wine
  • Bozo – Photographer for the Daily Prophet
  • Buckbeak (a.k.a. Witherwings) – Hippogriff belonging at various times to Rubeus Hagrid, Sirius Black, and Harry Potter


  • Cecilia – Girlfriend of Tom Riddle Senior before Merope gives him the love potion
  • Circe – Ancient Greek enchantress
  • Cliodna (or Cliodne) – Irish druidess, Animagus, discovered the properties of Moondew
  • Crookshanks – Half-cat/half-kneazle belonging to Hermione Granger


  • Damocles – Inventor of the Wolfsbane Potion, uncle of Marcus Belby, awarded the Order of Merlin (probably has the last name of Belby.)
  • Dennis – Friend of Dudley Dursley
  • Derek – Hogwarts student two years under Harry
  • Dobby the house elf – House-elf belonging to the Malfoy family, set free by Lucius Malfoy (due to Harry's design) in Chamber of Secrets, killed by Bellatrix Lestrange; died saving Harry Potter's life.
  • "Dodgy" Dirk – Muggle who had an encounter with a dragon
  • Dot – Muggle resident of Little Hangleton


  • Eargit the Ugly – Goblin representative to the Wizard's Council in the fourteenth century
  • Egbert the Egregious – Murdered Emeric the Evil to gain possession of the Elder Wand
  • Elfric the Eager – Responsible for an uprising
  • Emeric the Evil – Possessor of the Elder Wand, killed by Egbert the Egregious
  • Enid – Great aunt of Neville Longbottom
  • ErrolOwl belonging to the Weasley family
  • Ethelred the Ever-Ready – Wizard known for being easily offended


  • FangBoarhound belonging to Rubeus Hagrid
  • The Fat Friar – Hufflepuff House ghost
  • The Fat Lady – Witch in the painting that conceals the entrance to the Gryffindor common room
  • FawkesPhoenix belonging to Albus Dumbledore, saved Harry Potter from Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets
  • Fergus – Cousin of Seamus Finnigan
  • Fingal the Fearless – Irish wizard who was an Aingingein champion
  • Firenze – Centaur, professor of Divination at Hogwarts
  • Florence – Contemporary of Bertha Jorkins
  • FluffyThree-headed dog belonging to Rubeus Hagrid, protector of the philosopher's stone
  • Food Trolley Lady – Itinerant trader on the Hogwarts Express
  • Fridwulfa – Giantess, mother of Rubeus Hagrid and Grawp
  • Fulbert the Fearful – Never left his house because of his cowardice, died when a Defensive Charm he cast caused his roof to collapse


  • Giant Squid – Unnamed squid living in the Black Lake
  • Golgomath – Giant, becomes Gurg after killing Karkus, allied with Death Eaters
  • Gordon – Friend of Dudley Dursley
  • Gornuk – Goblin, killed by Death Eaters
  • Grawp – Giant, half-brother of Rubeus Hagrid, son of Fridwulfa
  • The Great Humberto – Muggle television personality
  • Gregory the Smarmy – Inventor of Gregory's Unctuous Unction, has a statue in Hogwarts
  • Griphook – Goblin, works at Gringotts Bank
  • Gunhilda of Gorsemoor – Developed a cure for Dragon Pox, has a statue in Hogwarts
  • Gwenog – Early female Quidditch player


  • Hedwig – Mentioned in A History of Magic, the inspiration for Harry's owl's name
  • Hedwig – Owl belonging to Harry Potter, killed by a killing curse that missed Harry
  • Hengist of Upper Barnton – Giant, killed by Giffor Ollerton
  • Hengist of Woodcroft – Hufflepuff student in the Middle Ages, founder of Hogsmeade
  • Hermes – Owl belonging to Percy Weasley
  • Herpo the Foul – Ancient Greek wizard, Parselmouth, creator of the Basilisk, and the first Horcrux
  • Hokey – House-elf Belonging to Hepzibah Smith
  • Honoria – Albus Dumbledore’s maiden aunt


  • Ingolfr the Iambic – Norwegian poet who wrote about Quidditch


  • Karkus – Giant, friendly with the Order of the Phoenix, killed by Golgomath
  • Kevin – Toddler who uses his father's wand to blow up a slug at the Quidditch World Cup
  • Kreacher – House-elf belonging to the Black family, and later Harry Potter


  • Lachlan the Lanky – Has a statue in Hogwarts
  • Lancelot – Cousin of Great Aunt Muriel, Healer at St Mungo's
  • Leanne – Hogwarts student during Harry's time at school, friend of Katie Bell
  • Livius – Thought to have taken the Elder Wand from Loxias
  • Loxias – Possessor of the Elder Wand


  • Magorian – Leader of the centaurs living in the Forbidden Forest
  • Malcolm – Friend of Dudley Dursley
  • Minerva - Grandmother of Isobel McGonagall née Ross, great-grandmother of Minerva, Malcolm and Robert McGonagall Jr.
  • Moaning Myrtle – Ravenclaw student during Tom Marvolo Riddle's time at Hogwarts, killed by the Basilisk in a girl's bathroom, which she continued to haunt
  • Mosag – female Acromantula, wife of Aragog
  • Mr Paws – Cat belonging to Arabella Figg
  • Mrs Norris – Cat belonging to Argus Filch
  • Murcus – chieftainess of Merpeople
  • Great Aunt Muriel – Great aunt of the Weasley children


  • NaginiSnake belonging to Lord Voldemort, attacked Arthur Weasley, killed Severus Snape, killed by Neville Longbottom
  • Norbert/NorbertaDragon belonging to Rubeus Hagrid


  • Odo – Subject of a song sung by Rubeus Hagrid and Horace Slughorn in Half-Blood Prince
  • Ogg – Gamekeeper at Hogwarts while Molly Weasley was at school
  • Olaf – Norwegian wizard, cousin of Goodwin Kneen
  • Oona – Innkeeper, early Quidditch supporter
  • Paracelsus – Has a bust in Hogwarts between the Gryffindor common room and the corridor leading to the Owlery
  • Paws – Cat belonging to Arabella Figg
  • Peeves – Hogwarts poltergeist who fears the Bloody Baron
  • Pigwidgeon "Pig" – Scops Owl belonging to Ron Weasley
  • Prudence – Sister of Modesty Rabnott
  • Ptolemy – Famous wizard, featured on a Chocolate Frog card


  • Sanguini – Vampire, friend of Eldred Worple
  • Savage – Auror
  • ScabbersRat belonging to Percy and later Ron Weasley; actually unregistered Animagus Peter Pettigrew
  • Snowy – Cat belonging to Arabella Figg
  • Snuffles - Name of the dog who is really Sirius Black. Unregistered Animagus.


  • Ted – Muggle television newsreader
  • Tenebrus – Thestral belonging to Rubeus Hagrid
  • Tibbles – Cat belonging to Arabella Figg
  • Tiberius – Uncle of Cormac McLaggen, student of Horace Slughorn
  • Tom – Innkeeper of the Leaky Cauldron
  • Trevor – Toad belonging to Neville Longbottom
  • Tufty – Cat belonging to Arabella Figg


  • Ug the Unreliable – Goblin con artist, behind the Demiguise Derby
  • Ugga – Early Quidditch player
  • Urg the Unclean – Goblin leader during the rebellions of the eighteenth century
  • Uric the Oddball – Eccentric wizard, Ravenclaw student in the Middle Ages, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for September 2004


  • Verity – Employee at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
  • Violet – Inhabits a portrait in Hogwarts, friend of the Fat Lady


  • Wendelin the Weird – Witch from the Middle Ages, enjoyed being burned at the stake so much that she allowed herself to be caught no fewer than forty-seven times in various disguises
  • Wilfred the Wistful – Has a statue in Hogwarts
  • Will – Stole toads from Warty Harris, then had the toads stolen by Mundungus Fletcher
  • Winky – House-elf belonging to the Crouch family, later works at Hogwarts


  • Yvonne – Friend of Petunia Dursley

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