Sunday, December 25, 2011

List Of Harry Potter's Character "F"

  • Perpetua Fancourt – Inventor of the Lunascope
  • S. Fawcett – Ravenclaw student in Harry's year
  • Gianni Fedele – American Quidditch Chaser
  • Benjy Fenwick – Member of the original Order of the Phoenix
  • Arabella Doreen Figg – Squib neighbour of the Dursleys', member of the Order of the Phoenix.
  • Argus Filch – Squib caretaker of Hogwarts
  • Justin Finch-Fletchley – Muggle-born Hufflepuff student in Harry's year, member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Mrs Finnigan – Mother of Seamus Finnigan
  • Seamus Finnigan – Irish Gryffindor student in Harry's year, member of Dumbledore's Army, attends the Yule Ball with Lavender Brown.
  • Merwyn Finwick - Keeper for the Tutshill Tornados
  • Sergeant Fisher – A Muggle police officer from the Harry Potter prequel.
  • Nicolas Flamel – Husband of Perenelle Flamel, alchemist, the only known creator of the Philosopher's stone. A fictionalised version of Nicolas Flamel, the mediaeval scrivener and alchemist.
  • Perenelle Flamel – Wife of Nicolas Flamel
  • Angus Fleet – Muggle who spotted Arthur Weasley's flying Ford Anglia
  • Mundungus Fletcher – Sneak thief and member of the Order of the Phoenix
  • Laurentia Fletwock – Breeder and racer of winged horses, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for December 2006
  • Marcus Flint – Slytherin Quidditch Chaser and Captain, five years above Harry.
  • Ursula Flint – See Ursula Black
  • Keaton Flitney – English Quidditch Chaser
  • Filius Flitwick – Charms professor at Hogwarts and Head of Ravenclaw
  • Ambrosius Flume – Owner of Honeydukes Sweetshop in Hogsmeade
  • Dexter Fortescue – Past Hogwarts Headmaster
  • Florean Fortescue – Owner of an ice cream parlor in Diagon Alley, helped Harry Potter with his homework and gave him free ice cream. Victim of the Death Eaters
  • Denison Frisby – English Quidditch Keeper
  • Vicky Frobisher – Gryffindor student at the time Harry was at Hogwarts
  • Basil Fronsac – Ravenclaw student, Hogwarts Headmaster
  • Colonel Fubster – Friend of Marge Dursley
  • Cornelius Oswald Fudge – Minister for Magic
  • Rufus Fudge – Cornelius Fudge's nephew
  • Iñigo Fuente Marrero – Spanish Quidditch Seeker
  • Dymphna Furmage – Witch who is terrified of pixies

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