Sunday, December 25, 2011

List Of Harry Potter's Character "W"

  • Jocelind Wadcock – Quidditch Chaser for Puddlemere United
  • Adalbert Waffling – Magical theoretician and author Magical Theory
  • Shizuka Watanabe – Japanese Quidditch Seeker
  • Fabius Watkins – Chaser and Captain of the Montrose Magpies, died in 1975 after a freak collision with a helicopter
  • "Honest" Willy Wagstaff – Street peddler accused of selling defective merchandise in Diagon Alley
  • Myron Wagtail – Lead singer of the Weird Sisters
  • Celestina Warbeck – Singer on the Wizarding Wireless Network
  • C. Warrington – Chaser for the Slytherin Quidditch team
  • Arthur Weasley – Son of Septimus Weasley and Cedrella Black, husband of Molly Weasley and father of Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ginny, Percy and Ron Weasley, grandfather of James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna Potter, and Fred, Roxanne, Hugo, Rose, Victoire, Dominique, Louis, Molly, and Lucy Weasley, member of the Order of the Phoenix
  • Audrey Weasley – Wife of Percy Weasley, mother of Molly and Lucy Weasley
  • Barny Weasley – Cousin of Ronald Weasley (alias for Harry Potter)
  • William Arthur "Bill" Weasley – Son of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett, husband of Fleur Delacour, father of Victoire, Dominique and Louis Weasley, Hogwarts prefect and Head Boy, member of the Order of the Phoenix, Gringotts employee, maimed by Fenrir Greyback
  • Cedrella Weasley (née Black) – Daughter of Arcturus Black II and Lysandra Yaxley, sister of Callidora and Charis Black, mother of 3 sons including Arthur Weasley, disowned for marrying Septimus Weasley
  • Charlie Weasley – Son of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett, Gryffindor Quidditch Seeker and school prefect, member of the Order of the Phoenix, works with dragons in Romania
  • Dominique Weasley – Daughter of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour, sister of Victoire and Louis
  • Fleur Weasley – See Fleur Delacour
  • Fred Weasley – Son of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett, identical twin of George Weasley, attended the Yule Ball with Angelina Johnson, member of Dumbledore's Army,Gryffindor Quidditch Beater, co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, killed during the battle of Hogwarts
  • Fred Weasley the Second - son of George Weasley and Angelina Johnson, older brother of Roxanne Weasley, named after his deceased uncle, Fred Weasley.
  • George Weasley – Son of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett, identical twin of Fred Weasley, husband of Angelina Johnson, father of Fred and Roxanne Weasley, member of Dumbledore's Army, Gryffindor Quidditch Beater, co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
  • Ginevra Molly "Ginny" Weasley – Only daughter of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett, wife of Harry Potter, mother of James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna Potter, Gryffindor student one year under Harry, Gryffindor Quidditch Seeker and Chaser, member of Dumbledore's Army, Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies (presumably Seeker or Chaser)
  • Hermione Weasley – See Hermione Granger.
  • Hugo Weasley – Son of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, brother of Rose Weasley
  • Louis Weasley – Son of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour, brother of Victoire and Dominique
  • Lucy Weasley – Daughter of Percy Weasley and his wife Audrey, sister of Molly Weasley
  • Molly Weasley I (née Prewett) – Sister of Fabian and Gideon Prewett, wife of Arthur Weasley and mother of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny Weasley, grandmother of James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna Potter, and Fred, Roxanne, Rose, Hugo, Victoire, Dominique, Louis, Molly and Lucy Weasley, member of the Order of the Phoenix
  • Molly Weasley II – Daughter of Percy Weasley and his wife Audrey, sister of Lucy Weasley
  • Percy Ignatius Weasley – Son of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett, Gryffindor prefect and Head Boy, Ministry of Magic employee, fought against the Death Eaters in Deathly Hallows, Husband of Audrey Weasley, father of Molly and Lucy Weasley
  • Ronald Bilius "Ron" Weasley – Son of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett, husband of Hermione Granger, father of Hugo and Rose Weasley, Gryffindor Quidditch Keeper, school prefect, member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Rose Weasley – Daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, sister of Hugo Weasley
  • Roxanne Weasley – Daughter of George Weasley and Angelina Johnson
  • Septimus Weasley – Husband of Cedrella Black, father of 3 sons including Arthur Weasley
  • Victoire Weasley – Daughter of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour, sister of Dominique and Louis
  • Konrad Weiss – German Quidditch Seeker
  • Dorcas Wellbeloved – Founder of the Society for Distressed Witches
  • Bridget Wenlock – Hufflepuff student in the 1210s, Arithmancer, established the magical properties of the number seven, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for August 2005
  • Nigel Wolpert – Gryffindor student 3 years below Harry Potter in Harry Potter films directed by David Yates; not a character in the books. Portrayed by William Melling in Harry Potter films.
  • Kelly Whakkaarangapawarau – Australian Quidditch Beater
  • Kennilworthy Whisp – Author of Quidditch Through the Ages
  • Kevin Whitby – Hufflepuff student three years under Harry
  • Devlin Whitehorn – Founder of the Nimbus Racing Broom Company, revolutionised Quidditch, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for November 2004
  • Samson Wiblin – Duellist, defeated at the All-England Duelling Competition in 1430 by Alberta Toothill
  • Willy Widdershins – Set up regurgitating toilets in Order of the Phoenix, informs Dolores Umbridge of the meeting of Dumbledore's Army in the Hog's Head
  • Hermann Wiel – German Quidditch Keeper
  • Dempster Wiggleswade – Writer for the Daily Prophet
  • Wilhelm Wigworthy – Author of Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles
  • Ignatia Wildsmith – Ravenclaw student from late 1230s to mid-1240s, inventor of Floo Powder, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for December 2004
  • Wilkes – Slytherin student, friend of Severus Snape, Death Eater, killed by Aurors
  • Benjy Williams – Quidditch Seeker for Puddlemere United
  • Williamson – Auror
  • Heliotrope Willis – Leader of the Troll Rights Movement
  • Gilbert Wimple – Ministry official, Committee on Experimental Charms
  • Herman Wintringham – Lute player for the Weird Sisters
  • Lord Stoddard Withers – Magical creatures expert, breeder of flying horses
  • Dawn Withey – English Quidditch Beater
  • Mr Wood – Father of Oliver Wood
  • Mrs Wood – Mother of Oliver Wood
  • Oliver Wood – Hogwarts student, Gryffindor Quidditch Keeper and captain, Keeper for Puddlemere United.
  • Augustus Worme – Editor at Obscurus Books who commissioned Newt Scamander to write an authoritative compendium of magical creatures
  • Eldred Worple – Author of Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires
  • Bowman Wright – Creator of the Golden Snitch, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for December 2005
  • Jósef (or Józef) Wroński – Polish Quidditch Seeker for the Grodzisk Goblins, inventor of the Wronski Feint

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